Posted in National Poetry Day 2020

National Poetry Day Video of a Thomas Hardy Poem

Hello again! It is still National Poetry Day –  if you haven’t seen the video of the poem I wrote especially for NPD, as I am a National Poetry Day Ambassador – see the entry before this on the home page!

I was also asked to choose a poem to go with mine, and this is the one I picked. The magical The Fallow Deer at the Lonely House, by Thomas Hardy.

Posted in National Poetry Day 2020

It’s National Poetry Day! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Here is the first of my NPD poems – this one was especially written for NPD 2020 on the theme of Vision.  It’s called Who Knows, and it is about an owl.

You can find this poem and many more on National Poetry Day’s website which also has downloadable educational resources. Print out all you like and stick them in your window or on your wall. My poem is there! And it’s not too late to share their toolkits, posters and lesson plans. To #ShareAPoem, take a picture for Twitter or Insta, tag #NationalPoetryDay.

Have a lovely National Poetry Day!

Posted in National Poetry Day 2020

National Poetry Day One Day to GO!!!

Yes, it’s tomorrow. Poets everywhere are planning, posting, poeting and preparing for the BIGGEST and BEST poetry party all on one day. You can take part!

National Poetry Day’s website has downloadable educational resources that are amazingly popular. And it’s not too late to share their toolkits, posters and lesson plans. They have cleared permissions on loads of poems on the theme of Vision: print out all you like and stick them in your window or on your wall. One is by me! To #ShareAPoem, take a picture for Twitter or Insta, tag #NationalPoetryDay. They’ll be looking!

Here is my poem for today – it’s called Blackbird. Mainly because it’s about a blackbird.

Posted in National Poetry Day 2020

National Poetry Day is Nigh!

The day of deliciousness for poets is nigh and getting nigher. National Poetry Day’s theme this year is vision, and I have a few poetry films to share up until the day.

In fact they are all bird poems.

Today it is the Curlew  – the curlew is a rare and getting rarer sight, in fact it has just been declared endangered in the UK.

Hope you enjoyed that.

The National Poetry Day website is FULL of poets and poems and lesson plans and posters and general poetic delightfulness if you’d like to visit and find something to see  or use on National Poetry Day.